Monday, January 27, 2020
Obesity In New Zealand
Obesity In New Zealand There are many social issues facing New Zealanders today, couple these with low economics and low employment and these factors start turning these issues into health problems such as obesity. This essay will outline a social issue of obesity. It will then give a brief explanation of sociological theories, upon doing so the essay will then relate the social issue back to the three sociology theories. Lastly this essay will explore how obesity is affecting MÃâà ori. Obesity in New Zealand has become a major health and social issue facing people of all ages. Recent statistics on this issue have highlighted just how much of a problem obesity has the years 2008/09 27.8% of all adults (aged 15+) are obese thats 1 in 4 and childhood obesity is no better with 1 in 12 children (aged 2 15) being obese thats 8.3% (Ministry of health, 2011). This breaks down to males being 27.7% and females being 28.7%, compare these to 1997 where the statistics were vastly different. Only 17% of males were obese and 20.6% females were obese (Ministry of health, 2011). Childrens statistics are similar but there is a definite trend for children as only some in the total population are affected. All factors have been addressed while these statistics have been complied such as food intake, food types and psychical activities. The health issues that have steamed from social issue include type 2 diabetes, and heart disease among others in adults, However in children the problems are far more serious . Obese children face a lifetime of health problems such as high blood pressure and asthma. For obese children there is a greater risk of bullying, body dissatisfaction as well as psychological problems (Ministry of health, 2011). There has been research to suggest that obesity in children may lead to strokes, common cancers, reproductive problems and musculoskeletal problems (Ministry of health, 2011). Obese children often lead to obese adults; this is now not just a health problem but a social issue as the repercussions that stem from this are far reaching. Our children will have to face this head on as it will be down to their generation who ultimately have to deal with this issue. Conflict theory, structural functionalism and symbolic interactionism are all theories used in sociology. They provide perspectives on how we see the world, something to grab a hold of so to understand the information we receive. Each of these theories provides a unique way of looking at situations for example a conflict theorist would say that all relationships are centred on power and someone holding more power than the other (Brent, Thompson, Vale, 2000) . A conflict theorist believes that social economics are determined by the wealthy and therefore they hold the power over the majority of the people (Brent, Thompson, Vale, 2000). With this happening it clearly breaks society into two groups rich and poor, the boss and the workers or as Karl Marx put it the bourgeoisie and the proletariats ( M.E. Sharpe, 2005), this division between the masses proves to be beneficial for the richer of society (Mooney, Knox, Schacht, 2000). When dealing with social problems the conflict theory c an be broken into two areas Non-Marxist conflict theory and Marxist conflict theory. Marxists focus on conflicts in our society that develop from differences in financial status (Ellison, 1987). Non-Marxists focus on conflicts in our society that arise from differing and oppositional ethics amongst different groups (Ellison, 1987). A structural functionalist has a different view on the world as they believe that our society is a group of interrelated individuals that coexist in a manner that creates symmetry for all (Mooney, Knox, Schacht, 2000). With this belief comes the realisation that corporations and families are equal in society, families reproduce, nurture and educate children who in turn provide workers with the skills and knowledge base for the corporations to continue (Mooney, Knox, Schacht, 2000). Structural functionalism highlights how a society works together and how one part of society influences another part of society (Mooney, Knox, Schacht, 2000). Symbolic interactionism is largely based on work by George H Mead and Max Webber. Symbolic interactionism looks at the whole picture while analysing the micro level, as theorist who follows this perspective believe that by analysing the macro level the social problem could be broken down to see what level has been affected (Mooney, Knox, Schacht, 2000). This perspective is occupied with the inner workings of a small group to see how human behaviour is influenced while interacting within the small group vs. a larger group (Mooney, Knox, Schacht, 2000). This perspective also advocates that a persons self is shaped and influenced by interaction with others in a social situation (Mooney, Knox, Schacht, 2000). Looking at obesity from a structural functionalist point of view you would have to say that not one person is to blame as it is a collective problem, that a collective has to come to terms with. With this understanding it then becomes hard to correct the problem as if one part of society is influencing to the wrong degree then that will impact on another part of society and then a domino effect is created (Nestle, 2006). Marketing advertisements in modern media that depict high fat and high in sugar foods utilising graphical images that portray healthy people, make the average consumer believe that eating this style of foods will have no effect on them (Witkowski, 2007). This is just one example of the major corporations influencing society to buy items which is propelling the obesity problem. This is one part of society influencing another part of society. A conflict theorist would look at this social issue and would simply ask who is benefiting from this. Companies who promote unhealthy eating like fast food establishments who make unhealthy food readily available at a low cost point are the only ones who make a gain (Beck, 2007). By making appetizing food which tastes good with no nutritional value in bulk the fast food companies are able to keep costs down and in doing so they hold power over the consumer as they are able to purchase a cheap filling meal at no great cost to them (Young Nestle, 2007). There is research that links the proliferation of fast food outlets to the growing challenge of obesity this factor linked with low exercise rates due to motorized transport and jobs that no longer require manual labour has led to a sequence of events in our society where obesity is one of the outcomes (Freund Martin, 2008) . This has become the typical power struggle in our todays society. A symbolic interaction theorist would look at how people are being influenced by those they surround themselves with, how a person/people receives and interprets the information being beamed through all media outlets and peers a like (Kumanyika, 2008). By bringing the person down to the macro level a theorist would look to see how these influences are being processed, how media influences peoples buying patterns and challenges our ability to see right from wrong and good from bad. The use of modern media practice gives visuals of healthy people consuming high fat unhealthy food (Nestle, 2006). The image contradicts the act and therefore legitimises this in their mind, consequently making it ok to eat unhealthy. This is how obesity has become a social issue.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Equality and Diversity in the Care Home Setting
Our work place policies, procedures, codes of practice and legislation requirements for:- Diversity is respecting and maintaining the dignity and privacy of clients recognizing issues associated with the identity needs of other service users as well as the clients own interpretation of dignity and respect and the right to express his/her own identity, culture and lifestyle. Equality is ensuring people are treat with fairness no what their age, race or gender; treating people according to their individual needs.To protect the rights and promote the interests of clients and employees respect for individuality proving and promoting equal opportunities recognizing individuals needs of care and preferences. Supporting clients to take control of their own life choice and independence. For example I was facilitating a group regarding substance misuse and a client told me she didnââ¬â¢t need to be there as she never used drugs and wasnââ¬â¢t a ââ¬Å"junkyâ⬠but everyone else did. I explained to the client that alcohol was a drug and that the group was to inform everyone of the potential risk of any drug and that it would be beneficial for her to stay and also within the unit no matter what substance a client used everyone was here for the same reasons. Inclusive practice is about the attitudes, approaches and strategies taken to ensure that people are not excluded or isolated. It means supporting diversity by accepting and welcoming peopleââ¬â¢s differences, and promoting equality by ensuring equal opportunities for all.I use this daily in my job by including all clients in activities that I am undertaking for example a quiz or relaxation, everyone is welcome and to those who are too poorly I reassure that there will be other activities on during the week. Discrimination is upholding public trust and confidence in social care services and not abusing, neglecting or exploiting clients or colleagues. Not discriminating or condoning discrimination or placing yourself or others at necessary risk.Providing clients and employees, a work place with freedom from discrimination on the basis of race, sex, ability, sexuality or religion. Again I use this on a daily basis as we donââ¬â¢t discriminate against anyone. Everyone can use our service providing they meet the criteria (ie substance misuser). We have groups for everyone and ask for participation off everyone. If a client was needing any external services ie for religious matters we try to accommodate as best we can.The following legislation relates to all of the above and is used everyday where I work by myself, my colleagues and some by the clients that use our service. â⬠¢The Human Rights Act 1998- This covers many different types of discrimination, including some that are not covered by other discrimination laws. Rights under the Act can be used only against a public authority, for example, the police or a local council, and not a private company. However, court decisions on d iscrimination usually have to take into account what the Human Rights Act says. The Equal Pay Act 1970 (amended 1984)- This says that women must be paid the same as men when they are doing the same (or broadly similar) work, work rated as equivalent under a job evaluation scheme, or work of equal value. â⬠¢The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 (amended 1986)-This makes it unlawful to discriminate against men or women in employment, education, housing or in providing goods and services, and also in advertisements for these things. Itââ¬â¢s also against the law, but only in work-related matters, to discriminate against someone because they are married or in a civil partnership. Race Relations Act 1976 (amended 2000)- This states that everyone must be treated fairly regardless of their race, nationality, or ethnic or national origins. â⬠¢Disability Discrimination Act 1995. This states that a person with a disability must not be treated less fairly than someone who is able-bodied. â⬠¢Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003. This says it is unlawful to discriminate against people at work because of their religion or belief. The regulations also cover training that is to do with work. Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006- This says it is unlawful for an employer or potential employer to discriminate against you at work because of your age. The Residential Care and Nursing Homes Regulations 2002. This protects the rights of people living in care homes. â⬠¢Health and Social Care Act 2008. ââ¬â This Act established the Care Quality Commission (CQC), whose remit is to protect and promote the right of people using health and social care services in England to quality care and to regulate its provision.In October 2010 a new legislation began that was the Equality act 2010 this involves most of the above legislation and brings them all together into one act. This means that within my workplace each member of staff has to adhere to t his legislation and ensure that everyone that comes into our building is treated with dignity and respect, they are not discriminated against in any way and everyone receives the correct level of treatment as and when needed. The most common forms of discrimination are racial remarks, slurs, being called insulting names and being the butt of hurtful jokes.Studies have found that discrimination, racism and harassment may have significant mental and physical health consequences such as frustration, stress, anxiety, depression, possible nervous breakdown, or high blood pressure that can cause heart attacks. Effects of discrimination physically and emotionally: Depression, Anger, Loss of self-esteem, Isolation, Feeling stressed or unable to cope. Stereotyping is another form of discrimination for example we stereotype a teenager, with a hood up, as being bad and up to no good.This is wrong they could just be cold. But if this teenager is told over and over again that they are bad there is always a possibility that they could think well if I am getting labelled I may as well do it. This is a damaging effect of discrimination and one that happens every minute throughout the world. Inclusive practice is best practice. Health and social care workers demonstrate inclusive practice by working in ways that recognise, respect, value and make the most of all aspects of diversity.Having a sound awareness of and responding sensitively to an individualââ¬â¢s diverse needs supports them in developing a sense of belonging, well-being and confidence in their identity and abilities. And it helps them to achieve their potential and take their rightful place in society. Inclusive practice involves having an understanding of the disastrous impact that discrimination, inequality and social exclusion can have on an individualââ¬â¢s physical and mental health. Having such an understanding ensures appropriate, personalised care and support, thereby enabling an individual to develo p self-respect and maintain a valued role in society.Because people who fail to support diversity or promote equality are usually entirely unaware of their attitudes and the impact of their behaviour, inclusive practice involves reflecting on and challenging oneââ¬â¢s own prejudices, behaviours and work practices. It also involves challenging those of colleagues and other service providers, with a view to adapting ways of thinking and working and to changing services to build on good practice and to better support diversity and promote equality. If I suspected a colleague was discriminating against a client within the nit I would report this immediately to the nurse in charge and then report it to the clinical lead and management. I would offer the client support and advice and also reassure them that inappropriate behaviour from staff is not tolerated within the unit and I would also offer them a complaints form and reinforce them to report any further incidents to staff on duty immediately. However if I feel I am the one that has been discriminated against I should then raise a grievance in accordance with the grievance procedure or through the bullying and harassment procedure.Information, advice and guidance about equality, diversity and discrimination can be sourced via the internet, companies policies and procedures, employee handbooks, line managers and managers, also from colleagues. I have found working on my NVQ I have had to research a lot. Therefore the internet has been invaluable. It is also amazing what resources I have found at work when asking colleagues advice and found there knowledge a big help when discussing iot with them. Duty of care means providing care and support for individuals with the law and also within the policies and procedures and agreed ways of working with your employer.It is about avoiding abuse and injury to individuals, their family, friends and property. I have a duty of care to safeguard individuals from harm, repor ting concerns of abuse/ neglect this may include evidence or suspicion of bad practice by colleagues or managers or abuse by another individual- worker, family or friend. It means that when someone is a patient or even under care in a residential home or their own, the care giver has a duty to provide whatever care is best for them!They should see that they are treated with respect, provided with help when needed, given medication when required and generally looked after. We have a duty of care to everyone that walks in the building including colleagues and visitors, everyone has there own duty of care to themselves and the others around them. For example if the fire alarm was to sound we have a duty of care to ensure everyone gets out of the building including ourselves. A potential dilemma I have faced recently was that I overheard a conversation between two clients.One client telling the other that they had drunk over the weekend, but had not told a member of staff and when they returned to the unit on Sunday evening, had not registered on the breathalyzer, therefore had not been ââ¬Å"found outâ⬠. The client did not realise that I had over heard the conversation and went back to his room. I felt it was my duty of care to inform his keyworker of this but felt it was his right as a person to tell her himself, as I had only overheard the conversation, it was not directed at me.I went to see my line manager with a hypothetical scenario and asked her advice. She advised me to speak with the client and let him know that I had overheard the conversation and I was leaving it up to him to decide what he would do. So I did this. I advised the client that I had overheard him and I felt he was putting himself and others at risk because he thought he could do this again and get away with it again and other clients would start to do the same. He agreed with me and asked if I could tell his keyworker he wanted to speak to her.He told her everything and was put on a no pass for 4 days. Another potential dilemma is if I suspect a client has been using drugs or drinking alcohol within the unit I am able to breathalyse or urine screen whenever I feel the need. This is providing a duty of care to all clients. Assessing the levels of risk are always done before a client enters the building, the referrer has to send a level 3 assessment before the client has an assessment in the unit or admitted a level 3 assessment provides all the information about the clients past that health professionals must be aware of.The risk assessment is studied carefully and if the client has a high risk record towards staff or other clients they will be refused an assessment or admission to the unit. Risk assessments are done by a nurse before the client even enters the building if they think they may be a threat to themselves or others they will not be permitted to use our service. If the nurse feels there is no threat and that client is allowed in the unit then a care plan is drafted on admission and the client is made aware of any circumstances that will be involved if any risk is felt throughout there stay.If the client is low to medium we would put in place to appropriate action and steps into place to avoid any staff or other clients in the unit of any risks for example staff members working in pairs and monitoring the client at all times reinforcing to the client any inappropriate behaviour towards clients or staff will not be tolerated and company policies and rules must be followed at all times while they are a res ident in the unit. If the client was to breech company rules or intimidate a client or member of staff they would be immediately discharged and they will be made aware of this on admission.Managing risk associated with conflict or dilemma is done by mainly doing risk assessments. On some occasions this may need to be done on the spot and action taken immediately for example if a trip was going ahead and two clients were arguing you have to think on your feet to calm the situation down firstly and then think of the next step for example saying that neither client is now coming on the trip and explain your rationale behind the decision whether it is that you do not feel the clients will be able to get along outside of the unit and may start arguing again therefore putting themselves and others at risk.Or that you decide both clients come on the trip but think of a care plan for while you are out so everyone is aware of what is happening and what is going to happen. We have had examples of risk on several occasions the main one being if a clients visitor is under the influence on arrival to the unit and not allowed to visit. They must be escorted off the premises as soon as possible and sometimes they become very angry or agitated because of this.If this was to happen I have to think on the spot and work out the best plan of action it could be talking rationally and explaining the nature of the building and that there is no way we could let a visitor in that was intoxicated even if they would cause no harm it is unfair on other clients having to smell the alcohol. I would explain that they could return the next day if this was convenient as long as they were not under the influence. If this did not work I would try to talk to them again and explain if they did not leave then I would have to phone the police.All clients are made aware on admission of the companies complaints policy, forms are available from any member of staff and will also be within the client handbook given on admission. If a client asks for a complaints form then I would ask them if there was anything that I could help with firstly or another member of staff if they wish. If they say no then I would get the complaints form and reiterate the policy that the complaints form should only be given to the person in charge of the building at that time and that if that person can deal with the complaint then this would be do ne if not another member of staff may need to be involved.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
The small crowd beside the bus had an atmosphere of excitement
The small crowd beside the bus had an atmosphere of excitement. I was one of them. We just got down the busy train, leaving us with another 5 hours of our journey to our destination. The trip was to the southern part of the Indian rainforest. The air was moist and there was a sudden drizzle. So we quickly got inside the bus. After every one was inside there was check to see whether anyone was left behind. The bus was noisy, every one were talking to each other about the thrill. We began our long journey into the rainforest. Every one felt irritated due to the humidity in the air. The teachers who came with were also excited about the trip. After a while there was no sign of any people as we entered into the rainforest; there was no trace of any other vehicle either except a motorcycle, leading us. It was a totally deserted area. The trees and bushes on either side of the road were monstrous and they spread wide. In some places they were steep slopes, which were so deep and dark that we couldn't see the ground below. We unexpectedly stopped. I didn't know why at first then they told it was because we had to have lunch. The lunch was horrible as it was cold. After that we got into the bus. Then slowly we all settled and the bus was again on the road. On the way we saw many waterfalls but we couldn't define its beauty because they were very far away. Then a boy suddenly shouted out ââ¬ËDam' no one understood him at first then he repeated it by saying there is a dam. Every one gazed it for a long time. Some took snaps of it. It was huge and its reflections looked beautiful. We were then told that there was another hour of our journey left. Most of them slept including me due to the tiredness of journeying. After a while my friend woke me up saying that we arrived at the destination. I was excited as well as exhausted like everyone. I had to get up. We took our bags and started to walk towards the tents, which were situated in a plateau. I had a heavy luggage behind my back like most of them. The ground was uneven in the beginning then it was a sudden steep slope upwards. We had to walk very carefully otherwise we would slip and fall. They made a path by few slates of shapeless granite. Beside the path were wild bushes. It took us more than 5minutes to reach to the top. When we reached it was very dark and we could hardly see the ground clearly. They told us to form a queue and then we were separated into four groups. We were taken inside the house, which was beside the tents. It just had a big hall and a kitchen in the corner. We were told about the rules and regulations. Then we all were shown our way to the tents though we didn't sleep in the tents, as it was the first night. We changed into night ware and left our baggages in the tents. The ground was muddy making our bags very dirty underneath. After every one had their dinner we were immediately send to sleep. Though no one did as every one had the excitement in their minds thinking what was going to happen in the next few days. We all slept together. At first it was very noisy then slowly it became pin drop silence. Everyone was made to get up by 5 in the morning and was told to freshen up. We couldn't see much as the sun did not rise completely by that time. And when it did it become foggy. There were five tents in total as there were many girls and boys. There was a water tank opposite to the tents. Behind the house were the toilets. In between the toilets and the tents there was a small house which contained things required for canoeing, rock climbing, treasure hunting, nature trivia and camping. Surrounding us were trees and bushes, which were so thick that we couldn't see through. Later we were told briefly of our plan for the days beyond.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Issue Of Ceo Pay - 1392 Words
The stories of evidently mind boggling CEO pay never stop; every year conveys another bundle of plausibility to parade as tests of private undertaking miss the mark on control, yet the matter of CEO pay is not exactly the same as some institutionalizing sentiment what society considers sensible. Despite the likelihood that judicious money related pros may agree that CEO pay appears to be unequal, they can wander back and examine for reasons why current compensation levels may be magnificently shrewd in a business division sense. What turns out finally is something of a hung jury: An expansive number of segments make it difficult to check whether CEO compensation is systemically uneven and inefficient, and for whom or to what result. Mostâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦In fact, even proficient business magazines like Fortune and Forbes have been straightforwardly denouncing of the example in CEO pay. Says one Forbes article, What s being referred to, essentially, is nothing not precise ly individuals when all is said in done trust indispensable to a thriving free-showcase economy. In spite of whether CEO pay affront people s sentiment sensibility, even to the point of stun, that doesn t mean it normally harms any principles of business division capability. [A]t its middle, research on CEO pay is set up in basic expert theory, which takes a gander at how a boss (the administrator) functions a firm in light of a legitimate concern for the proprietor (the vital). Because of CEOs, the ordinary trouble is getting the CEO to act to the best favorable position of the shareholders when he or she has normally unmistakable interests and motivation, and holds a colossal purpose of inclination in information and impact over shareholders. Boss pay should thusly be expected to mitigate this chief pro issue, giving both rousing strengths and a watching effect to better modify a CEO s self-eagerness with that of shareholders. Whether CEO pay truly satisfies that goal is an intens ely address. In every way that really matters no one is battling that CEOs are missed the mark on. The exchange pivots around whether they are appropriately or too much balanced. Taking note of this
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